Who am I?
Welcome to the Precious Learning website. I am Dr. Wendy Precious, a freelance consultant specialising in Primary Science and learning.
I have a background in teaching primary children in Cannock in South Staffordshire, following a career as a research scientist (parasite biochemistry!) at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
What do I offer?
- An experienced external ‘eye’and ‘knowledgeable other’ to support evaluating the quality of teaching and learning of Primary Science.
- In-school support for Primary Science leaders and teachers in developing a school community vision for Science and having professional conversations around the co-analysis of planning, scrutinising books, pupil-voice, learning walks, lesson studies, identifying strengths and next steps.
- In-school support in action planning to improve the quality of teaching and learning in Science.
- Provision of bespoke professional development through team planning, team teaching, reflection or whole staff training – to meet the needs of the school(s).
- Cluster and conference workshops for Primary Science – Dramatic Science.
- Cluster moderation in Science
- Support for schools as Hub Leader for the Primary Science Quality Mark.
- Lead Cluster/ collaborative/ network meetings and updates for groups of schools across Staffordshire.
- Professional conversations around evidence-informed practice in science e.g. cognitive load, memorable science, critical thinking, metacognition, assessment, working scientifically.
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss possible projects. My rates are variable according to your requirements but I will work with you to find a cost-effective solution.
Prior experience
- 20+ years experience of successfully supporting and challenging schools to develop the teaching and learning of Primary Science. Firstly I was a Staffordshire Primary Science Advisor, then as a seconded course developer and facilitator for the West Midlands Science Learning Centre, and now doing bought-in work with the North Midlands and West Midlands Science Learning Partnerships as a private consultant.
- Senior Facilitator for STEM learning.
- Association of Science Education CSciTeach.
- Primary Science Quality Mark Hub Leader and Assessor since its pilot in 2011.
- Action research. As part of a creative team I have jointly led the action research project funded by Astra-Zeneca Teaching Trust (now the Primary Science Teaching Trust) with Oxford-Brookes University and the New Vic Theatre in Newcastle-under-lyme. I have co-authored articles, and the book ‘Dramatic Science: tried and tested ideas for teaching science using drama for primary age children(2014).
- Whole school perspective as, in addition to my role as Science consultant, I’ve spent a number of years working on whole school improvement, assessment for learning, developing effective learners, support, stretch and challenge, implementing performance management policy, KS1 moderation of Reading, Writing and Mathematics and whole school curriculum design.
- Keynotes and workshops for Dramatic Science – Lancashire, Cheshire, Association of Science Education, Black Country Conference.
- Member of KS2 Sample Test Review Group for the Standards and Testing Agency (2015 to 2017)
- Leader of teacher professional development visits to Adelaide in Southern Australia and to Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada to compare their education systems with that in British schools.
- Governor and Chair of Governors of a small school in Staffordshire for six years.
- Evidence-informed practice Facilitator for the Stoke-on-Trent Research School on evidence-informed practice around transition, metacognition and pupil-premium (2018-2020)
- Personal tutor and marker of Masters’ assignments for Keele and North Staffordshire Education School-Centred Initial Training (SCITT) (2019-2020).
- Lead Cluster/ collaborative/ network meetings and updates for groups of schools across Staffordshire (I currently support 9 different clusters of schools).
- Facilitated two Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) funded research projects : Course Tutor for “Thinking, Doing, Talking Science” and Hub Leader for “Primary Science Quality Mark.”